Have you ever thought of building your own social networking site? Before you get to making websites like Facebook, you need to start off smaller, and this 29-part video series is where to begin with developing a social networking community website . Before you start with these lessons though, make sure you have all the following:
• A good HTML editor (Dreamweaver 8 or higher recommended),
• A tested PHP enabled server (PHP 4.2 or higher) with
• One free MySQL database (MySQL 4.0 or higher) created on the PHP enabled server, and
• Flash CS3 or higher to allow you to code in ActionScript 3.0.
The website being created in this example (also where you will get tons more information and all the file downloads) is WebIntersect.com.
Note about security from the about page on Web Intersect:
This system in its raw form is not completely secure, nor is it the most efficient. Please do your own further research on how to make your custom system complete. This one is not complete, nor is it ready to be trusted as secure on a web server. This entire series is meant to be a general programming learning tool, to allow an individual to build complex information systems using PHP and MySQL databases.
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